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Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain Treatments, Therapies and Exercises to Prevent Further Difficulties

At times the treatment of chronic musculoskeletal pain can be complex, comprising on distinct orders proposing one of a kind techniques for giving relief from discomfort. Read on to find out probably the most generally utilized chronic musculoskeletal pain treatments options and the outcome you can expect from them.

Musculoskeletal pain incorporates the feeling of uneasiness or pain in structures in the body, influencing bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments, and nerves. Furthermore, the pain symptoms could range from mild to serious and can be intense or constant in nature. The small area of the body could be affected or the musculoskeletal pain can be local. On the other hand, musculoskeletal pain may have a tendency to diffuse with pain symptoms influencing a broad area.

The most widely recognized kind of musculoskeletal pain is the lower back pain, yet the reasons for the condition can be fairly diverse. The pain can be triggered by wear and tear, injury, or even extended immobilization.

Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain Occurrence in Elders

Elders are mostly affected by musculoskeletal pain, yet the correct predominance is unidentified. Musculoskeletal pain takes place around 50% of people the age of 60 and older as per the earlier studies. It is evaluated that 45 to 80% of seniors living in nursing homes suffer from musculoskeletal pain.

Complications of Musculoskeletal Pain

Individuals influenced by musculoskeletal pain are frequently caught in an endless loop of disuse and inactivity, which additionally drags to a decrease in their whole utility. As a result, the failure to perform normal doings frequently drags towards negative psychological effects. Poorly managed pain often includes the following outcomes:

  • Scarcity of movement
  • Reduced ambulation (moving from one place to another)
  • Functional decline
  • Functional dependence
  • Disability
  • Impaired posture
  • Risk of pressure sores
  • Muscle atrophy
  • Increased subsequent exacerbation of frailty

As per the fact, elders might be especially vulnerable to these consequences of inadequately managed musculoskeletal pain. A number of these outcomes in elders can make therapy and evaluation difficult.

Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain Treatment Strategies 

Widely utilized analgesics are favored in order to treat pain sufferers. This regularly incorporates paracetamol as well as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). They are intended to decrease pain and swelling.

On the other hand, opioids are exceptionally powerful pain-relieving medications, with most specialists discussing whether they are suitable for treating chronic pain. Though, there are weaker opioids accessible, for example, codeine and dihydrocodeine, which are recognized to be compelling in the management of moderate pain, particularly when joined with the medications specified previously.

The considerable point here is that medication distribution tends to change as an individual gets older. This implies the organs regularly depended upon to clear the medication from the body may not do as such sufficiently. This may drive to the medication staying in the older patient’s system longer, growing the danger of overdose.

Viable Exercises for Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain Treatment

It is a fact that exercises can play a significant part to be an extraordinary non-pharmaceutical method in order to treat chronic pain. In order to provide muscles with strength physical activity is fruitful and lessens weight that would some way or another put more stress on your joints. Exercises for musculoskeletal can be particularly gainful in elders, diminishing the danger of falls and resulting injury. Exercises for chronic musculoskeletal pain could incorporate:

  • Flexibility workout
  • Aerobic workout
  • Strengthening workout
  • Taichi
  • Aquatic workout
  • Walking

Viable Therapies for Musculoskeletal Pain

  • Thermal agents
  • Manual therapy
  • Protective and supportive devices
  • Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS)
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy
  • Mind-body therapies
  • Biologically based therapies

Conclusively, pharmaceuticals, for example, NSAIDs and opioids can work in order to diminish pain, for the time being, their negative impacts in the long term can drag towards additional, unforeseen health outcomes. On the other hand, the studies demonstrated that exercises and psychosocial intervention have a tendency to turn out to be compelling in easing the musculoskeletal pain with no reactions. However, a fair blend of these two interventions would be perfect and ought to be guided by a trained medical expert.

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Adults in the western society mostly suffer these hallmarks, checkout to know if you are also a part

Everyone among us at some point experience muscle pain and related sufferings. The pain is sometimes so debilitating and influence the support structure that helps you to carry out your routinely activities.. Musculoskeletal pain exhibits a severe kind of human energy deterioration, where the need for energy exceeds our body’s ability to keep up. Says Dr Zaki Anwer, MD,

It influences the bones, muscles, ligaments, tendons and nerves. Sometimes the pain appears to be acute or in other cases it is chronic. Musculoskeletal pain can be restricted to one area or can be widespread.

Commonly musculoskeletal pain arises from the lower back, other common types of musculoskeletal pain involve tendonitis, Myalgia and stress fracture.

Common hallmarks of musculoskeletal pain

The hallmarks of musculoskeletal pain differ according the certain condition, whether the pain is caused by an injury or overuse. If it is chronic or acute, also the pain may vary from person to person.

The common hallmarks involve;

  • Localized or widespread pain that can worsen with movement
  • Aching or stiffness of the entire body
  • The feeling that your muscles have been pulled or overworked
  • Fatigue
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Twitching muscles
  • The sensation of “burning” in your muscles

Anyone among us can encounter musculoskeletal pain. The national institute of health explains, the musculoskeletal pain may be the result of an injury to the bones, joints, muscles, tendons, ligaments or nerves.

The injury is usually caused by jerking movements, sudden accidents, falls, fractures, sprains, dislocations and direct blow to the muscles.

As reported by the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention about 33% of adults from the overall adult population in the U.S encounter musculoskeletal pain from overuse of the muscles. The most commonly occurring pain from overuse is the lower back pain and caused by work related stress and poor posture or prolonged immobilization in the western society.

Musculoskeletal pain treatment

Most of the medical professionals agree for the musculoskeletal pain treatment can be done by changing your lifestyle habits and taking a combined course of treatment. You can minimize your pain by following some common treatment programs such as;

  • RICE a well known acronym for musculoskeletal pain treatment, especially subsequent to an athletic injury, R stands for Rest, I for ice, C for compression and E for elevation
  • NSAIDs
  • Topical analgesics
  • Physical therapy
  • Strengthening exercise

Acupuncture and acupressure

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Symptoms, causes and treatment of musculoskeletal pain

The pain that affects the muscles, ligaments, tendons and bones is referred as musculoskeletal pain.

Causes of musculoskeletal pain

There are several different causes of musculoskeletal pain, muscles and tissues can be damaged with the daily activities. Jerking movements, sudden falls, fractures, spasms, dislocations and direct hit to the muscles can cause musculoskeletal pain. Other causes may include posture strain, repetitive movements, excessive use and continued confinement, poor posture and poor workplace setting may bring vertebral alignment problems and muscle contraction, therefore causing pressure on other muscles and affecting their function causing severe pain, since pain is the most common indication of most musculoskeletal disorders. The pain varies from mild to severe and from acute to chronic and if stays for a long time can diffuse to other organs

Musculoskeletal disorder often causes pain by pinching nerves, these conditions may include carpal tunnel syndrome, the pain causes a burning sensation and diffuse along the nerve path, accompanied by tingling, weakness and numbness

In some cases the muscle pain is often a consequence of dysfunction of other organ systems

What Are the Symptoms of Musculoskeletal Pain?

The symptoms of musculoskeletal pain are accompanied with pain in the whole body as muscles are excessively used or pulled, sometimes the muscles seems to shiver or become inflamed, the symptoms may vary from person to person but the common symptoms are;

  • Pain
  • Fatigues
  • Sleep disorders

How the pain is diagnosed?

Your physician will conduct a thorough physical examination and medical history, additionally the doctor will  conduct a diagnostic study to confirm the diagnosis


  • Blood tests
  • X-rays
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI),
  • CT scans
  • Joint fluid testing


How Is Musculoskeletal Pain Treated?

Several manual therapies and mobilization techniques have been used to treat people with spinal arrangement problems, for the acute musculoskeletal pain these manual techniques have been very effective and showed rapid results

Medications such as NSAID may be used to treat inflammation, sensation and pain

Other treatments may include:

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Musculoskeletal Pain – Knowing the Causes, Types & Treatment Measures!

Musculoskeletal pain can be widespread or can be localized in one part of the body. Anyone can become the victim of this type of pain, be it because of some chronic injury to the bones, joints, ligaments, muscles, tendons, nerves or due to the extensive movements involving lifting some heavy objects etc. As a result of all this, either due to dislocation or direct blows to the muscle people experience chronic muscular pain.

Moreover, it has also been reported that almost 33% of the people suffer from musculoskeletal pain because of overuse of the muscles.

What are It’s Different Types?

Depending on the symptoms and causes, musculoskeletal pain has the following types:

Muscle Pain

The reason why this type of pain occurs is due to an injury, loss of autoimmune reaction, lack of blood flow to the muscle, infection or a tumor. Though very debilitating but it is less chronic as compared to bone pain

Bone Pain

Most commonly resulting from an injury it is a very deep, penetrating and dull pain. Moreover, it is necessary to make sure that the pain is not related to some fracture or tumor as then it would require immediate and different treatment measures

Joint Pain

This kind of musculoskeletal pain ranges from being really severe to mild and worsens in case of movement of the joint. Moreover, if adequate treatment is not provided then the joints become stiff and start swelling


Pain associated with fibromyalgia is very difficult to describe as it is spread to different locations. Involving muscles, tendons, ligaments the condition is also accompanied with different symptoms

Tunnel Syndromes

Pain in this condition also known as musculoskeletal disorders, occurs due to nerve compression. The disorders include carpal tunnel syndrome, cubital tunnel syndrome and tarsal tunnel syndrome. In such pain the patient has a burning feeling in the path where the nerve travels.

The Treatment Measures

The ways in which musculoskeletal pain can be treated include:

  • Acupuncture or acupressure
  • Injections with anesthetic or anti-inflammatory medications in or around the painful sites
  • Physical or occupational therapy
  • Reducing stress through relaxation
  • Reducing workload
  • Strengthening exercises
  • Stretching exercises
  • Therapeutic massage
  • Using heat or cold therapies

If you or any of your loved one is suffering from musculoskeletal pain or any other body pain, get a professional advice from Dr. Zaki Anwar by placing an appointment at (815) 464-7212). He is an expert anesthesiologist and certified Pain Management Specialist who has been practicing pain relief techniques for the past several years with effective results.

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Here is The Guide to Musculoskeletal Pain!!

Musculoskeletal pain, as its name suggests is basically a muscular pain that has its effect on the bones, muscles, ligaments, tendons and nerves. It can either be localized in one place or it can spread in other parts of the body. This pain can be felt by anyone out there, belonging to any age group be it the children, the office goers or the athletes.

The causes that lead to chronic Musculoskeletal Pain

The most common cause of a musculoskeletal pain is the injury that is occurred in the areas namely, bones, tendons, joints, muscles, ligaments or nerves. The injury to these areas often occurs because of some car accidents, falls, fractures, sprains, dislocation and the direct blows to the muscle.

Moreover, it has been reported that musculoskeletal pain due to overuse of the muscles has affected almost 33% of the adults. Because of overuse, lower back pain is said t be the most common type of musculoskeletal pain faced by many at work.

How to Know if it’s Musculoskeletal Pain or not?

Symptoms of this type of pain vary from person to person considering whether the pain is caused by some injury or the overuse of the joints. The common symptoms of musculoskeletal pain include:

  • Fatigue
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Twitching muscles
  • Stiffness and pain in the entire body
  • Either localized or widespread pain that becomes worse with the movement
  • The burning feeling in your muscles
  • Feeling that your muscles have become overworked or have become pulled

How is the Pain Diagnosed?

Your doctor will first examine your medical history thoroughly. He/she will also go through all the possible causes that might have lead to chronic musculoskeletal pain. Certain laboratory tests and x-rays will also be conducted in order to know about the pain in detail. These tests include:

  • Performing blood test to confirm whether its rheumatoid arthritis or not
  • To know about all the bones in details, x-rays are performed
  • For a further detail look on the bones, CT scans are performed
  • In order to examine in detail, the soft tissues such as muscles, cartilage, ligaments and tendons MRIs are performed

If you or any of your loved one is suffering from chronic musculoskeletal pain or any other body pain, get a professional advice from Dr. Zaki Anwar by placing an appointment at (815) 464-7212). He is an expert anesthesiologist and certified Pain Management Specialist who has been practicing pain relief techniques for the past several years with effective results.

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The Types, Symptoms & treatment Options for Musculoskeletal Pain

Anyone, belonging to any age group can suffer from musculoskeletal pain affecting the bones, ligaments, tendons and nerves. The presence of such a pain in the body altogether makes a person fatigued and irritated as he gets tired soon and the body demands rest most of the time. This type of pain can be either localized or it is spread in the whole body.

This type of pain is usually caused y the overuse of muscles, repetitive movements and prolonged immobilization. In other cases, there might be some fracture, accident, fall, sprain dislocations, lifting of some heavy objects or the direct blows to the muscle can become the reason of chronic musculoskeletal pain.

The Different Types of Musculoskeletal Pain

The most common types of pain that come under musculoskeletal pain include:

Muscle Pain – This type of pain can occur due to loss of blood in some specific bone, infection, a tumor, an injury or some autoimmune reaction.

Bone Pain – This type of pain mostly occurs as a result of some injury. It is indeed deep and penetrating.

Fibromyalgia – the condition comes along with numerous symptoms and hence it is difficult to describe the pain felt in multiple locations.

Joint Pain – This type of musculoskeletal pain ranges from mild to severe and it can be stiff and debilitating. In such a condition the joints may also swell and the inflammation might lead to chronic pain.

Tunnel Syndromes – These are said to be the disorders that occur due in the case when the nerve gets compressed. The disorders comprise of carpal tunnel syndrome, cubital tunnel syndrome and tarsal tunnel syndrome.

The Symptoms

Here are the symptoms of musculoskeletal pain:

  • Twitching muscles
  • Disturbances in sleep
  • Fatigue
  • Localized or widespread pain
  • The feeling of stiffness in the entire body
  • Burning in your muscles
  • The feeling of overuse of the muscles

How the Pain Should be Treated?

  • Below treatment measures must be opted for musculoskeletal pain:
  • Using heat and cold
  • Acupuncture or acupressure
  • Reduction in workload and taking loads of rest
  • Exercises that would strengthen the muscles
  • Physical or occupational therapy

If you or any of your loved one is suffering from chronic musculoskeletal pain or any other body pain, get a professional advice from Dr. Zaki Anwar by placing an appointment at (815) 464-7212). He is an expert anesthesiologist and certified Pain Management Specialist who has been practicing pain relief techniques for the past several years with effective results.

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Doing Away With Musculoskeletal Pain!!

Are you feeling constant pain in your back, with stiffness that is damn hurting and makes you unable to perform your daily tasks or even bend your back to pick up something? This means that you are suffering from chronic musculoskeletal pain that is slowly and gradually emerging in different parts of your body.

This pain being absolutely severe, makes you feel uncomfortable all the time and becomes a hurdle in your healthy active lifestyle. The best chronic musculoskeletal pain treatment would be to visit a pain management specialist and follow his/her recommendations. But first you must educate yourself that what is the reason behind this muscle pain.

This blog sheds light upon some effective methods that can be a lot helpful in doing away with musculoskeletal pain.

Relieve Pain With RICE

RICE can serve as one of the best medication for chronic musculoskeletal pain treatment. It can be abbreviated as rest, ice, compression and elevation. Thus, for the very next time you feel pain, at that time what you have to do is to obey this acronym. Though a simple intervention, but it will definitely alleviate the pain to a greater extent.

How NSAIDs help in dealing with Musculoskeletal Pain

These are the pain relievers, that help in reducing inflammation. Some of the most popular nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that can assist in lowering the fever and prevent blood clotting are naproxen, aspirin, and ibuprofen. Since they help in reducing the inflammation to a greater extent, these treatments should therefore be opted for firstly.
Furthermore, you can also apply creams, ointments, gels, and lotions that will help in reducing pain.

Performing Physical therapy

In case the pain is very critical and it is totally unbearable, then it is recommended that you go for physical therapy. Physical therapy will not only help in experiencing pain relief, but it will also serve as a breakthrough in treating all your injuries that were limiting your movements. Thus, physical therapy all in all will not only strengthen your body, but will also restore the range of motion.

What Symptoms Will Confirm Musculoskeletal Pain?

  • Aching
  • Stiffness
  • Fatigue
  • Burning sensation in the muscles
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Muscle twitching

Treatment Options for Musculoskeletal Pain

  • Heat or Cold therapy
  • Injections
  • Physical or occupational therapy
  • Less workload and increased rest
  • Performing exercises and strengthening your body
  • Stretching
  • Performing Massage

Knowing that you are going through chronic musculoskeletal pain and still not doing anything is the biggest wrong that you are doing on your own self. You must approach a doctor and control the pain so that it doesn’t progress any further. At Pain Management Institute, there is a team of specialists who are expert in dealing such cases. To book an appointment you may call at (815) 464-7212

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