It is a condition that affects the hand and the wrist. Pain felt in the hands and fingers caused by repetitive movements or by fluid retention that can be developed over time in certain occupations. The pain can worsen such that the normal chores will be difficult to perform; moreover it can also interfere with your job and make it a work related injury.
Carpal tunnel syndrome’s diagnosis is done through a combination of a patient’s history, physical examination and tests known as nerve conduction studies.
Physical Examination: Physical examination comprises of a patients complete examination involving hand, wrist, shoulder and neck. Furthermore, for tenderness and swelling wrists are also examined.
Nerve Conduction Studies: these are the tests that can measure the sped of a patient’s nerve impulses. The patients will have CTS in case the nerve impulse is slower than normal.
The causes of carpal tunnel syndrome include:
- The condition that can contribute to arm pain, swelling in the joints and soft tissues or educed blood flow in the hands. These include obesity, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, diabetes, lupus and hypothyroidism.
- Repetitive movements using hand and wrist can lead to the swelling of membranes surrounding the tendons.
- If you have broken wrist bones, dislocated bones or new bone growth then this will increase the measure on the median nerve.
In simple terms, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome can be caused by a work that requires:
- Forceful or repetitive hand movements.
- Hand-arm vibration.
- Working for long periods in the same or awkward positions.
Symptoms of Cts
As a result of the repetitive movements and constant pain, tissues around the wrist tendons become enlarged and compress the median nerve. Feeling pain in hands and fingers if below are your symptoms then you must opt for the treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome.
- Damage to nerve function/ Impaired or lost nerve function
- Difficulty with muscle control
- Numbness or tingling sensation
- Pain in the hand, wrist and forearm
- Reduced grip strength
- Reduced muscle control
- Reduction in the ability to grip objects
Following are treatments for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome:
Medications: Anti-Inflammatory medicines are prescribed to reduce swelling and lessen the pressure.
Injections: Localized injections are used to ease pressure on the nerves that help in minimizing the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome.
Surgery: In case the pain persists and all other treatments are of no use then the patient is recommended to have carpal tunnel surgery.
For more information regarding Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Symptoms and how it should be treated, feel free to call our office at (815) 464-6166