Hip is said to be as the upper thigh bone on each side of the human being’s body. Now you can comprehend that the part with the help of which we are able to walk, sit properly, stand in a normal position if is not in good condition then it will have a huge impact in your overall body. Undoubtedly there is relief for this issue as well but the thing which is important are proper remedies that will help ease hip pain and bring you back towards your normal healthy schedule.
Let’s explore some remedies that will become the reason of your hip pain treatment relief:
RICE for Hip Pain
RICE is abbreviated as Rest, Ice, Compression and elevation which are elaborated as:
Rest – First thing when you start feeling that your body or any of specific part, for say the hips are in acute pain, then it is recommended that you rest for at least 24 hours. If you are a runner, an office goer, an engineer or belong to some other field, hip pain is such that will make you frustrated as you would not even be able to get up with your full might. So, rest option for utmost relief.
Ice – Apply ice, to the area where you are feeling acute pain. This will reduce the inflammation and help in alleviating hip pain.
Compression – This involves wrapping a thick Ace bandage around your pelvis and hip, leading pain relief.
Elevation – elevating the painful spot of your body will help reduce the pain to a greater extent. Though it’s difficult to elevate hip, but you can recline your feet up and relax your hip joint.
With Stretching Ease Hip Pain
As long as you are not experiencing the pain that is uncontrollable, you can always opt for the stretches and exercises that will slowly and gradually give you pain relief.
You may walk slowly for five minutes to bring the hip in motion or stand with your right side facing the wall. What should be done in such case is, with your right hand against the wall bend the right elbow and cross your feet by keeping the left foot over the right. After this, towards the wall move your right hip and then stretch.
Exercises that would ease Hip Pain
There are a range of exercises that work out best for various joint and other bodily pains. But for best hip pain treatment relief it is said to be a little cautious while opting for exercises. Some worth opting for include:
- Walking with bearable speed
- Walking on a flat surface
- Swimming
- Performing Yoga
- Riding a bike or sitting on a stationary bike etc
If you or any of your loved one is suffering from any hip pain or any other body pain, get a professional advice from Dr. Zaki Anwar by placing an appointment at (815) 464-7212). He is an expert anesthesiologist and certified Pain Management Specialist who has been practicing pain relief techniques for the past several years with effective results.