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All Posts Tagged: hip pain treatment relief


Are you having constant pain in your hip?

The pain management institute is working for decades to provide patients relief from various forms of pain which include joint pain, muscular pain, pain headaches, and even from the pain which results from cancer. However, there have been many patients in pain management institute who have gotten relief from severe hip pain caused by dangerous injuries and diseases by using advanced hip pain treatment relief. The pain management institute is known for its successful treatments and introducing new and more advanced treatments and machines in their organization. The medical center is known for curing even diseases like cancer. They are also working for hip pain treatment relief caused by cancer.

What does it actually mean

The hip pain cancer is the term which mostly describes the bone cancer of hip. The tumor can appear in any part of the body; however, tumor in the hip is a very rare case and has not been heard of too much. But it does not mean that cancer cannot be a cause for hip pain. the pain management institute does not only cure pain which has directly caused by cancer, but the center also has methods of hip pain treatment relief which results from the cancer treatments like chemotherapy and others. Hip pain is the main sign or bone cancer; however, there are other symptoms as well. It does not mean that cancer is the only cause of hip pain, there are others as well which include fractures, sciatica, muscular infections, and bursitis.

Types of bone cancer

There are different types of bone cancer which results in hip pain cancer which includes primary bone cancer, chondrosarcoma, and metastatic cancer. All these types of cancer result in hip pain. This is the most common type of cancer-related to hip bone. In this cancer, the bones of the arms and legs start increasing size in length. The ratio of primary bone cancer is very high in the US and hip pain is a symptom of these types of cancer. In 2019, there were at least 3500 patients went to doctors for hip pain treatment relief; however, they were diagnosed by primary bone cancer. However, the chances for metastatic cancer to cause pain in the hip are very low. This types of cancer can cause pain in any part of the body which include hip too much it is unspecified in which part the patient with metastatic cancer would feel pain. Leukemia in the hip bones would also result in hip pain.

Treatments for hip pain control

Pain management institute has provided treatments like stem cell therapy, PRP therapy and many others which not only control the pain but also control the disease which is causing the pain. These therapies have been the most effective treatments for pain management.

To learn more, please call us on 815-412-6174

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Explore Non-Surgical Hip Pain Treatment Relief Alternatives

As per the fact, hip pain can turn out to be restricting mobility and functioning of everyday routine. Regardless of the fact that the pain is related to sports injury, a fracture, or osteoarthritis, however, hip pain treatment relief will be a top priority. One of the options to deal with hip pain is the physical therapy, yet there are other non-surgical treatment alternatives available that can work in a way to help limit the uneasiness and increment range of movement to make it stress-free and increasingly lovely to move. Pain Management Institute possesses significant expertise in helping patients regain their dynamic ways of life through non-surgical treatments.

Hip Pain Treatment Alternatives

Hip injuries include the loss of essential cartilage in the joint, which work in a way to cushion the moving pieces of the hip. Without sufficient cartilage, individuals suffer from pain and stiffness with each movement and when carrying weight. These disorders generally turned out to be more terrible after some time as the cartilage wears out more.

Over-the-counter medications, for example, acetaminophen and ibuprofen is a common treatment in order to deal with hip pain, and these medicines can likewise help decrease some amount of inflammation. Steroid hip injections can likewise be suggested by a doctor, which can work in a way to help decrease pain and inflammation while additionally adding lubrication to the joint. However, this treatment has a tendency to last for a short time, the symptoms will return inside a few days or weeks. Moreover, some individuals don’t feel any relief whatsoever after this procedure.

Furthermore, low impact exercises can likewise turn out to be helpful in the case of hip pain. Physical therapy normally includes a therapist overseeing and helping with rehabilitative stretches and exercises. Many individuals find it conceivable to engage in moderate stationary biking or swimming, which enables the hips to move smoothly with minimal effect.

Regenerative Medicine for Hip Pain Treatment

Most of the people opt for regenerative treatments when they require non-surgical treatments for hip pain. In this case, the viable options are:

  • Stem Cell Therapy
  • Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP)

These two are innovative regenerative medicine alternatives that include utilizing a patient’s own tissues or blood for recuperating. The reason behind it is that stem cells have the ability to renew themselves and really turn into any other cell as per the requirements that are successful for fixing the damage and regenerating tissues in the body. On the other hand, platelets in the blood likewise contain growth factors. At the point when these platelets are injected in the hip, they can work in a way to help repair of the joints.

Explore Viable Regenerative Treatment Options with Pain Management Institute

Dr Zaki Anwar, MD is a reputable pain management specialist for acute and chronic pain. Whether you are suffering from hip injury or an illness, for example, arthritis, he offers regenerative non-surgical recuperating treatments that can ease pain and increase mobility. Just fill in the contact form to get an appointment with Dr Zaki Anwar.

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Suffering from Hip Pain? Help Yourself with These Useful Remedies

Hip is said to be as the upper thigh bone on each side of the human being’s body. Now you can comprehend that the part with the help of which we are able to walk, sit properly, stand in a normal position if is not in good condition then it will have a huge impact in your overall body. Undoubtedly there is relief for this issue as well but the thing which is important are proper remedies that will help ease hip pain and bring you back towards your normal healthy schedule.

Let’s explore some remedies that will become the reason of your hip pain treatment relief:

RICE for Hip Pain

RICE is abbreviated as Rest, Ice, Compression and elevation which are elaborated as:

Rest – First thing when you start feeling that your body or any of specific part, for say the hips are in acute pain, then it is recommended that you rest for at least 24 hours. If you are a runner, an office goer, an engineer or belong to some other field, hip pain is such that will make you frustrated as you would not even be able to get up with your full might. So, rest option for utmost relief.

Ice – Apply ice, to the area where you are feeling acute pain. This will reduce the inflammation and help in alleviating hip pain.

Compression – This involves wrapping a thick Ace bandage around your pelvis and hip, leading pain relief.

Elevation – elevating the painful spot of your body will help reduce the pain to a greater extent. Though it’s difficult to elevate hip, but you can recline your feet up and relax your hip joint.

With Stretching Ease Hip Pain

As long as you are not experiencing the pain that is uncontrollable, you can always opt for the stretches and exercises that will slowly and gradually give you pain relief.

You may walk slowly for five minutes to bring the hip in motion or stand with your right side facing the wall. What should be done in such case is, with your right hand against the wall bend the right elbow and cross your feet by keeping the left foot over the right. After this, towards the wall move your right hip and then stretch.

Exercises that would ease Hip Pain

There are a range of exercises that work out best for various joint and other bodily pains. But for best hip pain treatment relief it is said to be a little cautious while opting for exercises. Some worth opting for include:

  • Walking with bearable speed
  • Walking on a flat surface
  • Swimming
  • Performing Yoga
  • Riding a bike or sitting on a stationary bike etc

If you or any of your loved one is suffering from any hip pain or any other body pain, get a professional advice from Dr. Zaki Anwar by placing an appointment at (815) 464-7212). He is an expert anesthesiologist and certified Pain Management Specialist who has been practicing pain relief techniques for the past several years with effective results.

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