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Top 4 Tips That Can Help Avoid Work Place Injuries!!

When talking about workplace injuries, the areas that come to mind include manufacturing plants, construction sites, forestry, ice road trucking, at the office, while at a site executing a project, etc. In accordance with a latest report from the U.S. Department of Labor, it is recorded that about 3 million Americans were the victims of on the job injuries. Moreover, in regard to service providing industries, the cases that were observed were 75.5%.

Most Common Workplace Injuries Include:

Falling Object Injuries

These are the injuries that occur when something heavy, an object falls off.

Falling From Height Injuries

Sometimes the equipment is faulty or sometimes the floor is slippery due to which due to which when an employee he/she gets severely hurt.

On the Job Injuries

There can be many workplace injuries, like some are even caused by the disagreements that turn out to be very dangerous arising the fury and anger among the others.

Slipping/Trippling Injuries

As a result of slippery floors or something kept on the walking path, such as debris, cartons etc can cause the employees to stumble.

Overexertion Injuries

When you overly exert on something such as while lifting, pulling, carrying or throwing you pull your muscles and feel acute pain.

Repetitive Motion Injuries

Such type of injuries are most common at work, while typing or doing those works that become the reason of constant strain on certain body parts.

Vehicle Accidents

While performing job duties, when people get struck in an accident, they get severely injured.

Ways of preventing Workplace Injuries Include

Hiring & Training The Right People

While recruiting for your organization or your company, you must make sure that you recruit those employees that are responsible, respectful and take care of all the business processes such that no one gets injured in any unpredictable injury.

Maintain a clean work environment

When enough space for employees is reserved, then there are less chances of any walk away falls or hazardous accidents.

Create a culture of being safe

This is for the managers to take care of the fact that when the employees are sick, they should stay at home so to prevent them from any workplace mishaps that can cause severe injuries.

Clear & safety Procedures

Safety procedures should be implemented considering the employees’ health as the most important thing. Moreover, if possible and in case of any workplace injury, access should be given to the employees for appropriate safety tools and first aid.

Got stuck in a workplace accident? You are most welcome to book an appointment at  (815) 464-7212 and approach the finest treatment at Pain Management Institute.