There is a group of the nervous system in human bodies which deal with the body movements and send signals from the brain to different the body part. However, there are also some nervous system diseases which cause movement disorder. The movement disorder can be of various forms. The outcome of the disorder can be in abnormally increased movements of the body parts, or it can reduce the speed of the movements. Some common movement disorders are cervical dystonia and Parkinson’s disease. However, there is a lack of awareness of these diseases which is why the treatments of these diseases are also limited. Cervical dystonia is a disease in which the contraction of the muscle of neck twist the neck toward one side or it causes the head to move forward and backward on its own. The patient loses control of the movements of their neck. Not only this, but this disease also cause severe and unbearable pain in the neck. Parkinson’s disease is also linked with the nervous system of the human body. In this disease actually, the motor system of a human body gets affected. This disease actually impacts negatively on the cells present in the brain to produce dopamine.
Symptoms of the diseases
The cervical dystonia and Parkinson’s disease impact different parts of a human body and cause different movement disorder which is why the symptoms of these diseases also differ from one another. The symptoms of the cervical dystonia are eye muscle contraction, change in the voice quality and sound turns into whispering, repetitive movements due to cramps in hands and arms, movement of chin towards the shoulder, uncontrollable movement of the ear towards the shoulder, chin straight up, movement of chin downwards. The minimum age which is more susceptible to this disease is 30. It can also be genetic.
On the other hand, the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease do not occur suddenly. The symptoms start getting more prominent as the disease start getting worse. Only symptoms which appear at the early stage of the disease are tiredness and irritation. However, as the disease starts getting serious, the patient start having a controllable and constant tremor in the whole body of some specific parts such as feet, fingers especially forefinger and thumb, or in hands. This disease mostly reduces the speed of basic body movements like walking or leaving the bed. In worse condition, the patient’s vision also gets affected. The symptoms of the disease keep changing or getting prominent at every stage.
Suggested treatment
For decades, there were no proper treatments for cervical dystonia and Parkinson’s disease. Doctors use to control severe pain through medication. However, it’s most appropriate and effective treatment has been found out in the form of Botox. During the treatment, doctors inject Botulinum toxin in the body or in the damaged part of the body to control the movements.
To get further information please contact the specialist and consultants for pain management. Please call on 815-412-6174.