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Facet joint injections spread hopes for back pain sufferers

Severe lumbar back pain is one of the most widespread ailments reported by adolescents in the U.S. According to a study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 25% of the complainants reported experiencing back pain in the preceding span of three months

Several patients facing chronic back pain, opt surgery for relief. Unluckily, surgical options are not usually worthwhile at eliminating back pain. As a matter of most medical professionals use the term “failed back surgery syndrome” to distinguish the patients who still suffer from severe pain after back surgery

A survey done in Chicago by The Pain Management Institute yields 1,450 patients who had to quit work because of severe lower back pain. The survey also indicated a 41 percent increase in the consumptions  of painkillers among the surgery group. The dilemma arises, when the  intensity of pain after surgery, run over the patient’s expectations and interferes the patients lifestyle and ability to work

Due to the complicated structure of the spine and its encircling nerves, muscles and blood vessels, there are several reasons that surgery could fail to provide relief from chronic back pain. They involve issues such as scar tissue development, surgical hardware failure and incorrect surgical site.

Rather than striving to treat chronic back pain through surgery, a fruitful method can be to handle chronic back pain similar to illness, like diabetes or high blood pressure, where treatment is more focused on managing pain hallmarks so the patients can lead productive livesDr. Zaki Anwer, MD.

Facet block injections are one of the worthwhile alternatives to help patients suffering from chronic back pain either after or instead of surgery. A facet joint block is the spinal injection of medication that numbs the medial nerve, carried out

  • A short-acting numbing drug
  • A long-acting Corticosteroid, which is a powerful anti-inflammatory drug

If your facet joint block injection has worked, your pain is relieved, however, if a single injection doesn’t succeed another can be recommended

At the Pain Management Institute we will devise a series of carefully spaced out facet joint blocks as a part of your spinal care path. Dr Zaki Anwer, MD.

The Potential results of a facet joint block include:

  • No pain relief.
  • Pain goes away and returns after a few hours.

Pain goes away, returns later the same day, and gradually improves during the next few days.