Patient with cancer can feel different degrees of pain, some would have severe pain, however, some would have very mild pain and there are also those patients who do not feel pain at all. There are some cancer patients who would have achy pain. The intensity of the pain which a cancer patient bears depends on the types of cancer they have and the stage of their disease. Cancer pain management is a process in which the most needed factor is the tolerance level of the patient. If the patient has a high tolerance level, it would be easy for them as well as for the doctors to control and manage the pain. However, there are very rare cases where the patients’ of cancer have unmanageable pain.
Causes of cancer pain
There are different types and causes of cancer pain. Patients feel the most intense pain at the time of the growth of cancer. Cancer growth destroys the tissues and causes pain. Patients also have pain with the increasing size of the tumor because it keeps pressing different organs or the nerves of the patient. Patients also bear very intense pain when their tumor causes a chemical reaction in the body or the brain. Cancer itself is not the only reason for the pain cancer patients have. The treatments which cure the disease also cause pain such as radiology, chemotherapy and the surgery. Chemotherapy is the most painful treatment and its unbearable pain can even cause the death of the patient which is why doctors suggest this treatment to only those cancer patients who have strong will power to go through with the treatment safely. The doctor also considers the age and physical strength of the patients to suggest cancer treatments.
Pain management procedure for cancer
In the case of mild pain, the cancer pain management procedure depends on the pain-relieving medication. The pain-relieving medication gives short-time relaxation to the patients. Doctors mostly prescribe aspirin and ibuprofen. Doctors also suggest opioid medications but they make sure to suggest weak doses. The cancer pain-relieving medications are of different forms. There are some which patient keeps in their mouths to dissolve, however others they take in liquid form or in tablet form. To some patients, doctors give pain-relieving medication in the form of shots.
Many cancer patients for some reason do not like to accept the pain they are having so they do not get any cancer pain management procedure which makes things even more dangerous and complicated for them. Some patients do not express their pain for psychological reasons. They do not want to find out the reasons for the pain. However, at pain management institute, we make sure that our patients express the pain they are having with the accurate intensity so that we can prescribe medication. Knowing about the patients’ pain also helps doctors in deciding future treatments.
If you are a cancer patient and bearing the pain, it is maybe the right time for you to find a solution. We are here to help you out, please call us on 815-412-6174.