The Racz epidural Neurolysis Procedure is used to eliminate scar tissue formation around the capture nerves in the epidural space of the spine. So that the medication such as cortisone can reach the aimed location. The procedure brings a potential decrease in pain caused by scar tissue formation
The cause of Epidural scarring
The epidural scar tissue formation often occurs from bleeding into the epidural space following a back surgery and the consecutive healing process where epidural fat is covered with fibrotic tissues. The scar tissue often forms naturally after a surgical intervention. In some cases scarring occurs due to a rupture disc and the leakage of its inner material
The procedure at PMI
The procedure usually takes between an hour or half. It can be done once, or in a series of up to three injections scheduled in a period of twelve months. At The Pain Management Institute the procedure involves implanting a catheter in the epidural space and guided up to the area of scarring. The whole procedure is done in our fluoroscopy costumes under sterile conditions with IV sedation
What is injected in Racz Epidural Procedure?
The Racz epidural injections composed of the following
- A mixture of local anesthetic
- Steroid medications
- A contrasting pigmentation so that the scar tissue formation can be easily recognized in the fluoroscopy
- Concentrated sterile salt solution to soften scar tissue
Will I feel pain?
The procedure involves administering a needle under the skin and deep into the tissue. There is some uneasiness involved, that might feel like getting a tetanus shot or skin prick. The tissues under the skin are deaden with a local anesthetic before inserting a spinal needle and catheter
What are the risks and side effects?
Overall, this procedure is safe. However, with any procedure, there are risks, side effects, and the possibility of side effects. Fortunately, the serious side effects and complications are rare. Risks and side effects may include the following:
- Pain/soreness, occurs most often, however, it is temporary
- Urinary difficulty – Occasionally, people report some difficulty urinating for the first several hours, post procedure,
Other risks associated with the Racz procedure can include:
- Spinal puncture risks
- Headaches
- Infection
- Bleeding inside the epidural space with nerve damage
- Worsening of symptoms
Cortisone injection risks/side effects, such as:
- Weight gain
- Increase in blood sugar (mainly in diabetics)
- Water retention
Retardation of the body’s own natural production of cortisone