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All Posts Tagged: Neck pain relief



The neck is part of a long flexible column (the spinal column) which extends through most of the body. Spinal cord and nerves are further supported by strong ligaments and muscles that are attached to the vertebrae. Neck pain is a day-to-day complaint. Neck muscles can be strained from poor or bad posture whether it’s leaning over your computer or hunching over your workbench.

How neck pain is treated?

Neck pain treatment depends upon your diagnosis. Doctor will perform a physical exam and take your complete medical history and then refer you to specialist if necessary. Neck pain treatment may include;

  • pain medications
  • corticosteroid injections
  • muscle relaxants
  • neck collar
  • traction
  • antibiotics if you have an infection that’s causing you neck pain
  • hospital treatment or staying if a condition such as meningitis or heart attack is the cause
  • ice and heat therapy
  • exercise, stretching, and physical therapy
  • surgery which is rarely needed
  • acupuncture
  • chiropractic treatment
  • massage
  • transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS)

The following tips can help you find neck pain relief and can work as neck pain treatment.

  • Apply ice for the first few days. Then apply heat with a heating pad, hot compress, or by taking a hot shower.
  • Take a few days off from sports and activities that aggravate your symptoms, and heavy lifting. When you resume normal activity, do as slowly as your symptoms ease.
  • Exercise your neck every day. Slowly stretch your head in up-and-down and side-to-side motions.
  • Avoid carrying heavy shoulder bags.
  • Avoid supporting the phone between your neck and shoulder.
  • Change your position often. Don’t sit or stand in one particular position for too long.
  • Get a gentle neck massage.
  • For sleeping; use a special neck pillow
  • Don’t use a neck collar without your doctor’s approval. Because if you don’t use them properly, they can make your symptoms worse.
  • Adjust your desk, chair and computer.
  • Sleep in a good position.
  • Don’t use too many pillows.

When surgery is needed

When conservative neck pain treatment does not provide relief, surgery may be needed. Surgery is generally required when;

  • Conservative therapy is not helping you
  • The patient experiences progressive neurological symptoms involving the legs and arms
  • The patient experiences difficulty with walking or balance
  • The patient is in otherwise good health condition

There are several different surgical options which can be utilized, the choice of which is influenced by the severity of each case. Other factors include patient’s age, how long someone has had the disorder, other medical conditions and if there has been previous cervical spine surgery.

Pain management institute cure acute and chronic long term pain to resume a normal life style. PMI has provided many treatments like stem cell therapy and many others.

For more details call on 815.412.6166


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