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PRP: A New Treatment for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a nerve ailment indicated by pain and weakness in the hand and weakness. It expands from problems in a nerve and in the wrist, though the exact cause is still not discovered
Platelet rich Plasma therapy is a gifted modern treatment for Carpal tunnel syndrome and other ailments such as arthritis and tennis elbow

Understanding Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

As our wrists are complicated yet flexible joints that allow us to do everything, when these joints become painful our movements become restricted in a way that we cannot accept, even the smallest task as for typing or even holding a steering wheel can be extremely painful

The median nerve controls sensation and mobilization in your thumb and the first three fingers exclusive of the little pinky

Anatomy of median nerve

As other tendons and muscles the median nerve passes from your lower arm into your wrist through the cavity called the carpal tunnel, the carpal tunnels are the space underneath the muscles that links the bones where the palm and wrist meets

A disorder of the ligament can cause swelling, irritation and pushed carpal tunnel. The tissues around the median nerve to get inflamed and causes pain, pinching and increase immobility of the wrist and hand. Early symptoms can be reversible as with time the carpal tunnel syndrome becomes more rigid and causes permanent nerve damage

Carpal tunnel syndrome is more often associated with poor workplace conditions, however, other underlying causes may be associated with medical conditions such as

  • Diabetes
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Osteoarthritis (OA)
  • Rheumatoid arthritis (RA)

PRP as a Carpal Tunnel Treatment

 Platelet plasma therapy is a proven regenerative medicine that uses your own blood to heal the injuries and degenerated tissues

The procedure is carried by taking a small amount of blood from the patient’s body and processing I into a high speed centrifuge in order to multiply the growth factors and make it plasma rich. The process only takes 15 minutes to separate the growth factors from the blood and platelet rich plasma is formed

The PRP is then injected into the affected area that not only heals, but also regenerates the damaged tissues

PRP guarantees the treatment of nerve disorder or pinched nerves specifically in the case of carpal tunnel syndrome. The PRP therapy is efficient in addressing carpal tunnel syndrome even if it is 12 weeks older

Since the PRP is obtained from your own body there are the least chances of allergic reactions and non acceptance of the body. Moreover the patients are exposed to less risks, less recovery time and guaranteed result

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Reasons to consider Stem Cell Therapy for Arm Pain

Types and causes of your arm pain

Rotator cuff injury

Rotator cuff injury can be

  • What causes a rotator cuff injury?
  • Rotator cuff injuries can range from mild to severe. They tend to fall into one of three categories.
  • Tendinitis is an injury caused by overuse of the rotator cuff. This causes it to become inflamed. Tennis players, who use an overhead serve and painters who have to reach upward to do their jobs commonly experience this injury.
  • Bursitis is another common rotator cuff injury. It’s caused by inflammation of the bursa. These are fluid-filled sacs that sit between the rotator cuff tendons and the underlying bone.
  • Rotator cuff strains or tears are caused by overuse or acute injury. The tendons that connect muscles to bones can overstretch (strain) or tear, partially or completely. The rotator cuff can also strain or tear after a fall, a car accident, or another sudden injury. These injuries typically cause intense and immediate pain.

What causes arthritis?

Cartilage is a firm but flexible connective tissue in your joints. It protects the joints by absorbing the pressure and shock created when you move and put stress on them. A reduction in the normal amount of this cartilage tissue cause some forms of arthritis.

Key points

  1. Numbness, tingling, and pain in your thumb and the first three fingers of your hand are common symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome.
  2. The pain in your carpal tunnel is due to excess pressure in your wrist and on the median nerve.
  3. Carpal tunnel syndrome can be made worse if the wrist is overextended repeatedly.

What is tennis elbow?

Tennis elbow, or lateral epicondylitis, is a painful inflammation of the elbow joint caused by repetitive stress (overuse). The pain is located on the outside (lateral side) of the elbow, but may radiate down the back of your forearm. You’ll likely feel the pain when you straighten or fully extend your arm.

What Is a Dislocation?

A dislocation occurs when a bone slips out of a joint. For example, the top of your arm bone fits into a joint at your shoulder. When it slips or pops out of that joint, you have a dislocated shoulder. You can dislocate almost any joint in your body, including your knee, hip, ankle, or shoulder.

Since a dislocation means your bone is no longer where it should be, you should treat it as an emergency and seek medical attention as soon as possible. An untreated dislocation could cause damage to your ligaments, nerves, or blood vessels.

However, when tissues are injured, the degenerative process exceeds this regenerative process, resulting in structures that become weaker, painful and less functional. While there are several types of stem cells, those that are best at promoting musculoskeletal healing (tendon, ligament, cartilage and bone) are found in bone marrow. These mesenchymal stem cells, or MSCs, are essential to successful patient outcomes

  • The human body keeps a supply of stem cells available to help repair injured and degenerated tissues at all times, making it fairly simple to retrieve them for therapeutic purposes.
  • As stem cells remain in reserve, in the marrow cavity of your bones, we have found the easiest place to harvest these stem cells is from the back of the hip area (iliac bone).
  • Procedure is done in the office, under ultrasound or x-ray precision and guidance.
  • Patients lay face down as the doctor thoroughly cleans the area before numbing the skin and bone.
  • A special needle is inserted into the bone to withdraw marrow blood, which contains the stem cells. Note: This procedure is not like a bone marrow biopsy nor is it at painful as one. This harvesting procedure is well tolerated by patients and not considered difficult as many patients claim it is not painful.
  • After bone marrow blood is drawn, it is taken to our onsite Regenexx laboratory and centrifuged to concentrate and purify the stem cells while other cells that are not needed are removed, leaving a concentrated sample of stem cells used to help heal your injury.
  • The entire process is done by hand to enable customized designing of the stem cell specimen for your particular injury.
  • A preparation of your concentrated platelets are also gathered at this time for injection into the injury site to release growth factors that “turn on” the stem cells that will later be injected.
  • These platelets are injected again 3-5 days later to
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PRP: An improved cure for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome


Carpal tunnel syndrome or CTS is a nerve disorder indicated by severe pain and feebleness in the arm or wrist. It begins from the complication in the nerve of the wrist, though the actual cause is not yet determined

Platelet rich plasma treatment is a gifted modern therapy for CTS and several other causes of joint disorders including osteoarthritis and tennis elbow

What is carpal tunnel syndrome?

Our wrist is complicated yet bendable joints that facilitate us to do everything, when the nerve is damaged, our actions are restricted  even if it is a slightest move

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a wrist pain originator, and is caused by stress on the median nerve in your wrist, the nerve is responsible to control the sensation and feeling in the first three fingers and thumbs however the little pinky is not linked with the median nerve

The Carpal tunnel is a cavity in your lower arm under the tendons that connects the bones of the wrist to palm

Soreness in the tendon may cause inflammation and swelling and which in turn pushes down the carpal tunnel, when the tissues around the nerve swells, it puts pressure on the median nerve thus resulting in restricted movement in the hand

Earlier nerve damage can be treated and overcome, however with time goes on nerve damage can become permanent

Recent research prose that Carpel Tunnel Syndrome are mostly caused by poor working conditions or other causes may include

  • Diabetes
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Rhuematoid arthritis

PRP as a Carpal Tunnel Treatment

Platelet-rich plasma therapy, is an approved medication technique that uses one’s own blood to treat any injury or disorder

The therapy includes taking up a small amount of blood and depositing it immediately into a rotating centrifuge. The centrifuge separates the plasma from the blood and produces it platelet rich plasma. The produced element is then injected into the place of injury, as the platelet rich plasma is full of growth factors it facilitates healing process rapidly

PRP shows guarantee in treating carpal tunnel syndrome. Recent findings have shown that it is efficient in regulating median nerve injury within 12 weeks after nerve injury

As in as platelet rich plasma comes from your own blood there are the least chances of rejection or allergic reactions of the body. The PRP brings quick recovery, least risk factors and promising results

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Purpose of occupational health care

Health determinants

Societal factors as in as, working for a living, tasks, economic status are necessary health making elements and having an employment shows an individual’s capacity to function as a component of their overall health condition. Consequently the capacity to progress with activity and being efficient affects the economic status of a single  person, family, communities and nations.

Occupation facilitates earnings, social circles and resources to fulfill health needs and enlightens self esteem and is a fundamental fringe benefit for health and prosperity

As workplaces and health are complicatedly linked and paying proper attention is important for society and individuals. Physicians need to give suitable combinations to work outputs and management of health conditions to make perfect working ability

The basic occupational health care elements include;

  • Training of primary health care professionals to understand early work related ill health, to encourage about making better working conditions, to support get back to work and conserve and build up working ability
  • Connecting occupational care centers under primary care networks and specifying mutual training and occupational knowledge to promote combination and continuation of occupational care
  • Making financial assistance to humans as well as technology along with improvement of work related guidelines
  • Improvement of research and practical approach
  • Establish plans at national level for the health and safety of the workers involving professionals of occupational care and important bodies of the society

Principles for integrating occupational health care in primary health care

  • The health of workers is a portion of commonly accepted health and life
  • The occupational care authorities should promote strategies to fulfill the health needs of the workers
  • In a campaign for universal occupational care first the needs of the individual workers should be fulfilled who are the greatest risks
  • While making decisions all the employee communities or the individuals having interest should be involved
  • Training involving occupational care should be part of health care professional training
  • Workers should be given empowerment and encouraged to make decisions regarding their safety and health conditions


Usually occupational care is established as self operated service resulting in loss of progress and collaboration and poor application


By making occupational care as a part of the management puts occupational health care in excellent position and early detection of health related problems, preventing long term sick leave, reduced efficiency and work incapabilities. Moreover, patients trust more of their employers in funding for occupational care

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What is causing your neck pain?

The neck is made up of the spinal cord that lengthens from the head to the upper body. The discs in  the spinal cord are called cervical disc the main function of  these discs are to absorb any sort of trauma or bump. The bones, tissues and muscles of your neck allows movement. The neck pain is caused by the  damage of these ligaments and bones or in same causes the shocks received by these parts

People experience neck pain or stiffness in many cases due to bad stance or excessive use. However, in many other cases the pain can be caused by a severe injury or trauma

Usually, neck pain is not due to crucial illness and can last in a couple of  days. If you experience your neck pain more than a week and it is accompanied with other symptoms, visit your doctor immediately

Causes of neck pain

There can be several reasons for a stiff neck or chronic neck pain

Muscle spasm or sprains

The muscle spasm can be caused by the  activities or attitude of an individual .

These activities might include;

  • Bad stance
  • Working in the same position while sitting at the desk
  • Sleeping in an inappropriate gesture
  • Bouncing the neck during exercise


The neck area is exposed during the injury or sudden falls, or accidents where the ligaments of the neck area are forced to expand than their normal capacity. In any case, if the cervical disc is injured it will also damage the spinal cord

Heart attack

Neck pain can also be an indication of heart attack, in case of heart attack other symptoms are also experienced such as;

  • Breathing difficulty
  • Abnormal Sweating
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Jaw pain
  • Arm pain

If any such symptoms arise you need to immediately call an ambulance or visit the emergency


Meningitis caused  by swelling of  thin  tissues around the brain and the spinal cord. People with Meningitis usually experience stiff neck and fever, headaches. It can be a fatal disease, if you experience any such symptoms seek emergency treatments

Other causes

Other than the above, there might be the causes that increase neck pain

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Arm pain causes, symptoms and treatments

There can be several reasons that cause your arm pain, it might be injuries, nerve compressions trauma attacks or joint disorders, along with these reasons,there are several routinely activities including sports typing, lifting heavy objects and excessive workouts that cause your arm pain

Symptoms that are attached to arm pain

  • Burning
  • Ticklish
  • Feebleness
  • Stiffness
  • Inflammation
  • Limited range of motion


Possible causes of arm pain include:

  • Broken arm
  • Broken wrist/broken hand
  • Bursitis
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Cervical disk herniation in the neck
  • Dislocated elbow
  • Pinched nerve
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Rotator-cuff injury
  • Sprains and strains
  • Tendinitis
  • Tennis elbow


Treatments may range from traditional home treatments to medications and surgery if required

People who suffer from nerve damage or pinched nerve in the area of the arm, wrist or elbow, they should  prevent continuous movements and take significant gaps

Applying an ice  pack on the swollen  arm or wrist can be a better remedy if the pain and inflammation is due to excessive workout and exertion

However the treatment of arm pain depends upon the cause behind in case of infections and joint inflammation can be treated with antibiotics and anti inflammatory drugs

Joint pain or bone damage can be treated by wearing a sling, resting the arm in the correct position and pain killers are advisable in extreme cases surgery is recommended

By following this approach you can relive your arm pain noticeably, and don’t forget the acronym RICE

Rest; you need to take a rest from your daily activities

Ice; treat the swollen areas with an ice pack at least thrice a day

Compression; use slings and compression bandages to reduce inflammation

Elevation; place the arm in an elevating position

If an immediate chest pain and arm stiffness is experienced this may lead to symptoms of heart attack and you need to immediately consult your doctor, and avoid driving to the hospital in such condition

See your doctor right away

If you feel chest pressure along with arm pain and discomfort in breathing, this pain can lead to angina.

Angina is a type of pain that occurs with lower blood flow towards your heart resulting in heart attack

Sudden injury or accident in which you feel a crack sound

If your arm has become immobilized

Weakness or numbness in your arm

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Know the cause and treatment for your chronic shoulder pain

Shoulder pain is caused by several reasons, symptoms may differ according to the pain caused

However, if your shoulder pain arises from any injury and is getting worse day by day with lesser chances of improvement you should immediately consult your clinician

Common causes

The common causes of your chronic shoulder pain may include;

  • frozen shoulder
  • A rotator cuff disorders
  • An acromioclavicular joint disorder
  • A rotator cuff tear
  • Shoulder instability and you are under 30 years old

These chronic shoulder pain treatment can be conducted by an Orthopaedic surgeon or a Rheumatologist

Chronic shoulder pain treatment alternatives

The alternatives to chronic shoulder pain treatment can be

  • Avoiding such activities that cause your shoulder pain worse
  • Treating it with ice packs
  • Using pain killers and anti inflammatory drugs
  • Physical therapy
  • Surgery
  • Hydrodilitation

The above chronic shoulder pain treatments are discussed in detail with their risks and benefits below

 Avoiding activities that increase shoulder pain

You can avoid overhead arm movements  to avoid frozen shoulder this approach may lead to reduce chronic shoulder pain but may restrict your overall daily activities


A sling is a supportive bandage used in the case of shoulder injury or sprains in the upper shoulder its purpose is to hold the arm in a stable position with the shoulder,  treating with a sling may restrict day to day activities

Pain killers and anti inflammatory drugs

Are easily available without prescription can relieve pain and swelling,  but may be  harmful if you are experiencing high blood pressure, asthma

Physical therapy

Physiotherapy  includes techniques such as massage and physical exercises, it is very painful, especially in the case of frozen shoulder in the beginning, but improves flexibility and movement of the arm if performed under supervision can be more fruitful

Surgery for frozen shoulder

During this surgery scar tissue is removed from the shoulder to allow the joint to move freely. Surgery is the option if the pain does not last in six months. However the surgery brings high risks such as infections and recovery may take time, physical therapy is recommended after surgery.

Rotator cuff tears

This surgery can be helpful in treating damaged bones and torn tendons. Surgery can be a good option to prevent any shoulder bone dislocation. This surgery is done with a small incision and can be recovered with complete bed rest, risk of infections are involved and for several weeks wearing a sling is highly recommended

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What’s causing your hand pain?

The Carpal tunnel is a narrow space in your wrist connected with the network of median nerves and tendons.

The carpal tunnel syndrome is numbness, shivering, loss of holding ability or other complications in your hand because of strain on the median nerve in your wrist

The job of the median nerve is to control the thumb and three finger exclusive of the pinky finger

Reasons to carpal tunnel syndrome

Strain or any sort of pressure on the carpal tunnel can cause carpal tunnel syndrome. This pressure arises in the case if the carpal tunnel is narrowed because of inflammation or blockage. These can be caused by several reasons may include; pregnancy, excessive movement of the hand, arthritis or diabetes


The symptoms may include numbness, tingling immobility and pain in your arm and wrist. Mostly these symptoms appear in your pointing index and the ring finger, little finger will not be affected by this because it is connected to some other  nerves. The symptoms appear at night, by shaking the hand you can get relief.


The syndrome can be diagnosed by taking a blood test and nerve test, moreover, physical examination including the areas around the neck hand and wrist

The physician will ask about the daily routine, the occurrence of any injury or weight lifting

Otherwise the doctor might examine your health conditions and any illness that may lead to arthritis, diabetes, hypothyroidism or if you are pregnant


Temperate symptoms may be treated by traditional methods and home remedies by;

  • Lowering the activities causing pain and numbness and resting your wrist for a long period of time during activities
  • Treating with ice pack twice in a couple of hours for ten to fifteen minutes
  • By taking pain killers and anti inflammatory drugs to decrease swelling and ease pain
  • Wearing a wrist brace during the resting position at your ankle to relax the median nerve

In case of other ailments such as arthritis, hypothyroidism, you need to take medications as well to lessen the chances of severity

Surgery can be an option but in the rare case when no other treatments are useful even after a long period of time

Prevention for reversal of carpal tunnel syndrome

You can prevent the syndrome to reverse by taking good  care of your diet, weight and health. Daily exercise will help your blood flow in regulation and makes your body more flexible and healthy. If you have any chronic ailment such as arthritis or diabetes, you must consult your physician first

  • With these techniques you can also help your hands and wrist stay healthy
  • Keep your wrist in a balanced position
  • Use your complete hand not just your fingers to hold your objects
  • While typing keeps your wrists at rest position and your hands slightly higher than your wrist

Perform yoga by relaxing your shoulders and arms at your side

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Failed back pain surgery is not indeed a syndrome though it’s generalized term to describe the situation of the patients who go through unsuccessful spinal cord surgery and continue to experience severe pain even after the procedure. The surgery can be unsuccessful due to many reasons even if it is performed by experts with specialized products, it has been observed that the spine surgery, come up with 95 percent success results

Causes for failed back surgery and pain experiences after

  • With spine surgery fundamentally two benefits can be achieved
  • Spine surgery is basically able to accomplish only two things:
  • Uncompressing a nerve route that is pressed
  • Sustaining a painful joint

Basically these procedures cannot basically cure the patient’s pain however this may aid in changing anatomy and any sort of injury that is considerable cause of back pain but is highly recommended that the back pain should be recognized before surgery and not after procedure. Mostly the pain occurs due to inappropriate surgery and the pain occurs due to incisions at an inappropriate area

Predictability of Pain after Surgery

It has been observed that the back pain increases due to some sort of spine surgeries, therefore the best way to avoid is preoperative conceiving studies that will show the involvement of scar tissues, nerve root and surrounding anatomy. Research has been conducted on animals to understand the nature and role of the scar tissues but nothing significant is found on the role of scar tissue in causing pain of spine or leg after surgery.

Techniques Used During Back Surgery

Different techniques have been used in order to block vibration of cells in the area of nerve root. The technologies may be Fat removals from the wound, gelatin sponges and the use of silicon based sheets that restricts the development of epidural fibrosis

Stretching exercise after back surgery

After the back surgery if the nerve tissues are kept mobile it will result in less chances to growth of epidural fibrosis the logic behind lies in the fact, after the surgery most of the scar tissues are formed within initial six to twelve weeks period and if the nerves are kept in mobilization whilst the wound heals the nerves will not get adhesive and the tissues that develop will not create any complication

For instance; if the ankle is pushed routinely while stretching the cramp, wide muscle from back thigh will move the nerve across the operative disc and hence preventing it from adhesion 

When Back Pain is due to Scar Tissue

After complete examination diagnosis and visual aids if it main cause of back pain or leg pain is due to nerve root blockage by scar tissue growth then the treatment option are restricted to few

·   In initial days after surgery medications such as NUERONTIN and daily physical workout may help in reducing scar tissue growth and getting rid of suffering.

·   After the period stated above it is recommended for the patient to consult for the pain management techniques that may probably aid in cope up with pain in leg or back

·   If the pain is observed after a long time of surgery then there might be the possibility of other complications including growth of a bone near the nerves or nerve compression or tethering instead of scar tissues growth because the scar tissues do not grow for years after surgery

·   In case of tethered nerves or compression, decompression surgery may produce good results

·   However if there are no symptoms found for nerve compression, jumping on to scar tissue removal will produce no fruitful result s this is because of

·   Scar tissues are likely to grow again after the spine surgery for its removal

·   Scar tissues are not very common cause of after surgery pain, removing it may not cure the patient’s suffering

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Causes and Treatment for Hip Pain in Women

Hip pain is quite common in women, as at times they feel unusual weightiness or exasperating cramp which hamper in walking in the normal manner and this pain may reach to the belly, which can even bother to sleep as well. When the pain is very acute, it is recommended to rest. If swelling o hip subsides, you can do gentle exercises and massage the area.

The causes are varied, sometimes because of menstruation or musculoskeletal issues, which are typically not of very serious nature, but it is an uncomfortable condition which may hinder in performing the activities of daily routine. Let’s see these causes one by one along with treatment for hip pain.

First of all, we have to take into account that the hips are those joints that support the part of our body which enables us to walk and sit. At times, the pain can be frequent or continuous over time because of bones, tendons, nerves or blood vessels. In such cases, you must consult with a doctor to get a proper treatment for hip pain.

Hip Bursitis

Bursa is a liquid-filled which assists us to decrease the abrasion between the tissues inside the hips. If one or more of them get inflamed, they cause toughness and ache in joint, which is particularly perceptible when sleeping. It hurts very much on one side or sometimes both. We will have trouble in walking as well as climbing the stairs too, and while sitting on a hard surface.

Treatment for Hip Pain due to Hip Bursitis

It is useful to consume carrots as they have beta carotenes, citrus fruits, tomatoes and veggies which have vitamin A and B.


  • During severe pain, it is indispensable to take rest, so that inflammation is reduced. When pain is relieved to some extent, you can perform light exercises such as you climb the stairs little by little and go for little walks.
  • Massage on the hips is extremely helpful as well by moving the fingers along the area of pain with a gentle pressure.
  • It is vital to keep the hurting area warm at night using a pre-warmed water bag, as it relieves a lot.


Polymyalgia Rheumatica


This issue mainly affects the joints of the hip, and the suffer feels it primarily while walking and feels stiffness in the joint and the situation worsens with every passing day.


Treatment for Hip Pain due to Polymyalgia Rheumatica


In case of polymyalgia rheumatic, it is advisable to visit a doctor in the first place. While at home, you can perform the following activities;


  • Go for swimming.
  • Apply hot and cold compresses.
  • Massage the affected area.
  • Apply and consume infusion and lotions made of plants which are anti-inflammatory.




It’s one of the most common causes of pain in the hips, especially in younger women. It occurs because of the inflammation in tendons around the hip, caused by a bad movement or a sharp turn of the hip.


Treatment for Hip Pain due to Tendonitis


You will have to follow the prescription of a specialist doctor, which is usually rest and use of painkillers. As home remedy, we suggest hot and cold bath, bath with sea salt or apple cider vinegar and massage with rosemary water.

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